ARF Board of Directors Meeting Minutes

November 12, 2012

Present: Abe Rosenbloom, Lisa Williamson, Pat Long, Karen Baum, Patricia Craven, Randy Larson, and Michelle Ing.

The meeting was called to order at 6:10 p.m. PST.

October minutes: Pat moved for approval, Karen 2nd. Unanimous approval.

Treasurer's Report: Pat presented the treasurer's report. Please see the treasurer's report for full details. Patricia moved to approve the treasurer's report and Karen 2nd the motion. Unanimous approval.

Development Committee Report: Patricia reports that a new member has been added to the DC, Terri Quamme, from Minnesota. Tsulan will be writing the "Thank You's" for the DC. Lona Frank will be stepping back her involvement with the DC, but will continue to secure the Suri Stud for ARF raffle.

MAF & LMRG Update: Morris reviewed 72 large animal proposals and 20 proposals will be given funding.

New Business: Camelid Health Initiative: Pat reports that several camelid groups are proposing banding together to disseminate the latest in health alerts, research findings and other health information for camelid owners and breeders. It would be the Registries (ILR & ARI), AOBA, ICI, and ARF whom will work cooperatively to keep as many people informed as possible without too much duplication. Pros and cons were discussed.

Review of Pre-Proposals 2012: 12 pre-proposals were reviewed and 5 will be invited to submit a full proposal.

The next meeting is scheduled for January 21, 2013, at 6:00 p.m. PST.

Pat moved to adjourn the meeting. Karen 2nd. The meeting ended at 7:50 p.m. PST.

Submitted by Michelle L. Ing, DVM

Treasurer's Report for November 2012

1–31 October 2012


Beginning Balance

Interest EarnedOctober102.03
DonationsAlpaca Hacienda300.86
Total Income2,269.89
Total Expenses0.00

Ending Balance



Beginning Balance

Interest EarnedOctober0.24
Total Income0.24
Department of JusticeOregon50.00
ILRconference call25.00
Total Expenses123.64

Ending Balance


Credit Card Account

Beginning Balance


Ending Balance
