ARF Board of Directors Meeting Minutes

September 22, 2015

Board of Directors

Abe Rosenbloom
Lisa Williamson
Michelle Ing (absent)
Pat Long
Karen Baum
Shauna Brummet (absent)
Patricia Craven
Randy Larson

The meeting was called to order at 9:09 p.m. EDT.

President’s Report

There was nothing new to report.

Secretary’s Report

August 11 minutes were approved by Randy and seconded by Lisa.

Treasurer’s Report

See attached report for June, July, and August 2015. Motion to approve the report by Karen and seconded by Paticia.

MAF & LMRG Update

MAF meeting in Minneapolis 22 October. LMRG will meet next week to review the MAF proposals.

Camelid Health Initiative

Lisa informed us that Dr. Jeff Lakritz will be setting up a trial with the vaccine against the Barberpole worm, Hemonchus contortus.

Patricia is checking with AOA on the check off program; the money is used by ARF to fund research projects. She is getting the RFPs out so we can review pre-proposals in November.

New Business

Discussion was about camelid projects submitted to Morris Animal Foundation (MAF).

Meeting Wrap

The next meeting was scheduled for Tuesday, November 10, 2015, at 9:00 p.m. EST.

Patrick moved to adjourn the meeting, Randy seconded with all in favor at 9:52 p.m. EDT.

Submitted by Karen Baum

Treasurer's Report for September 2015

1 June – 31 August 2015


Beginning Balance

Interest EarnedJune, July, August491.46
DonationsR Schultz30.00
 Jan Sherrill105.00
Total Income626.46
Curtin UniversityKylie Munyard2,875.00
Total Expenses2,875.00

Ending Balance



Beginning Balance

Interest EarnedJune, July, August12.94
Total Income12.94
Total Expenses0.00

Ending Balance
