ARF Board of Directors Meeting Minutes

February 15, 2021

Board of Directors

Abe Rosenbloom (President)
Shauna Brummet (Vice President)
Michelle Ing (Secretary)
Pat Long (Treasurer)
Karen Baum (absent)
Patricia Craven
Randy Larson (absent)


Glen Pfefferkorn

The meeting was called to order at 9:05 p.m. EST.

President’s Report

No report.

Treasurer’s Report

Pat Long presented the Treasurer’s Report for 11/1/2020–1/31/2021. Shauna moved to approve the Treasurer’s Report and Patricia seconded.

Pat Long presented the Year-End Report for 2020 and the proposed Budget for 2021. Shauna moved to approve and Abe seconded.

Secretary’s Report

Pat made a motion to approve the 12/07/2020 minutes that had been previously circulated by email. Shauna seconded the motion.

New Business

The ARF board and guest Glen Pfefferkorn, representing the North West Camelid Foundation (NWCF) discussed a written draft proposal from Morris Animal Foundation (MAF) for a Donor Inspired Camelid Health Program. This program would pool funds donated by ARF, the NWCF, and MAF and award them for projects that are judged to have scientific merit and applicability by a new MAF scientific advisory board (SAB), composed of experts in the field of camelid health.

The MAF project was judged to have potential advantages.

  1. The new SAB might attract members with a wide range of expertise in camelid health.
  2. Administration of the grants process would relieve ARF and the NWCF of having to solicit proposals and may actually result in an increase in the number of proposals that are submitted for review.
  3. MAF may be able to attract more funding for camelid research than ARF and NWCF alone.
  4. In the event that the ARF board retires, a framework for the continuation of ARF’s Mission (with the exception of fiber) will be in place.

There were also some concerns raised.

  1. As written, the current draft of the MAF proposal does not give ARF or NWCF any voice in judging the applicability of a proposal to the North American alpaca industry.
  2. ARF and NWCF would like to be able to see all abstracts or pre-proposals that are submitted to MAF and make recommendations about whether a full proposal should be submitted based on clinical relevance and applicability.
  3. ARF and NWCF would like to be able to review for applicability, full proposals that have been judged to have scientific merit by the SAB before ARF or NWCF donate funding to support any projects.
  4. The MAF proposal states that MAF will donate $40,000 and pay all administrative costs in the first year. Since MAF typically pays 8% indirect costs, will MAF pay indirect costs in the first year?
  5. What can we expect in the second year?

The ARF board and Glen reached a consensus that we should ask MAF to meet with Abe, Pat, and Glen via zoom to discuss the details of the proposed Donor Inspired Camelid Health Program.

Meeting Wrap

The next meeting will be Monday, April 12, 2021, at 9:00 p.m. EDT.

The meeting adjourned at 10:12 p.m. EST

Treasurer's Report for February 2021
1 November 2020 – 31 January 2021


Beginning Balance

Interest EarnedNovember70.75
DonationJan Sherrill170.00
 PayPal Transfer1,200.00
Total Income 1,955.18
Texas Agri LifeMinute Chrom5,655.76
US Davisavaila2,459.17
Transfer2020 interest to admin3,175.58
Total Expenses 11,380.51

Ending Balance



Beginning Balance

Interest EarnedNovember.72
TransferInterest from Grant3,175.58
Total Income 3,177.69
KPDDirectors Insurance1,223.00
Total Expenses $1,223.00

Ending Balance
